Find A Golden

Find a Golden

There is a wealth of information in this section that can help you learn about the breed and assist you in finding a reputable Golden Retriever breeder. Please review all of the information, check out the list of Local Golden Retriever Clubs to contact a local puppy referral, and if you still have questions contact a GRCA Information Officer.

Begin the Search

We believe that it was important for you to know up front all the reasons that you might not want a Golden, so that you can make a well thought out decision that is best for your family and best for a prospective puppy. But we also know that a well-bred, well-trained Golden can be a joy for its lifetime – and if this is the right breed for you, we are very happy to help you connect with reputable breeders. Learn more now!

About Breeders

Responsible dog breeders work hard to produce healthy, socialized puppies, interview potential buyers, do home checks, and remain resources for buyers for the lives of those dogs. Learn what to look for when searching. Learn more here!

Where To Find A Golden?

Buying a Golden Retriever is a long-term commitment, and shouldn’t be an impulse decision. Our puppy referral volunteers will be happy to give you more information about purchasing a Golden Retriever from a reputable breeder. Learn more here!

Topics Before You Buy

Before buying a Golden Retriever, or any purebred dog for that matter, please review our AKC Breed Standard, the GRCA Code of Ethics, information on English Cream Golden Retrievers, Goldendoodles, and Puppies at Auctions and Raffles before buying. Learn more here!

Consider Rescue

The mission and purpose of the GRCA Committee to Assist Rescue Efforts (GRCA CARE) is to support and further the objectives of the Golden Retriever Club of America by providing a network for collaboration among those Golden Retriever rescues that meet published criteria for affiliation. Learn more here!